Program curriculum

    1. Welcome & my story

    2. Structure of Baby Sleep Solutions Online Program

    1. Benefits of Sleep

    2. Questions before sleep training your baby

    3. Red Flags

    4. Co-sleeping

    5. Wishes vs. Needs

    6. Stress and Emotional Challenges

    1. Friendly Sleep Environment

    2. Sleep Hygiene

    3. Sunlight and Outdoor Activities

    1. Baby's Temperament

    2. Baby Temperaments & Quiz by Tracey Hogg

    1. Nutrition & Sleep

    2. Introducing Solid Food

    3. Food for Sleep

    4. Fussy Eaters

    1. Baby Sleep Needs

    2. History of Sleep and Sleep Cycles

    3. REM & Non-REM Sleep explained

Baby Sleep Solutions Online Program

  • €139,00
  • 44 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Want to have a happy baby?

Try this sleep coaching program to get the healthy sleep you and your baby deserve!